Abundant Health for All ...
Bringing it all online: Clients and their Practitioners as a 2020 healthcare team of resources. 



Be Safe and Kind to each other in these troubling times…



NeferHealth – Healthcare under renovation!




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Does this sound right to you and for you
or someone you know?...

NEFERHEALTH is all about you as a client.  A secured and private site where you can work with a team of professionals to help you in your health journey.  This is not a site for emergency medicine; call emergency or go to your emergency physician or local hospital if you have an acute condition or are experiencing severe distress.  This is a site of teamwork for you to become engaged with a health care team of your choice to self-determine the path ahead of your best health outcomes.  In the NEFERHEALTH community there is a focus on an understanding of your expressed needs and preferred options. Maybe you want a team-based opinion rather than a single opinion only. You are part of the healthcare decision-making team in the NEFERHEALTH community.

You bring knowledge to NEFERHEALTH from all the sources and experiences you respect; this will help your health decisions. As a consumer of the internet and from family and community knowledge, we want your experience of the healthcare system to be heard. You are active in directing your healthcare approach.

You are to be more self-determining in this community … more responsible in helping yourself and working as a team player to achieve the healthcare journey you desire.

You can meet with Neferhealth practitioners online; read about their interests and experience as you consider your healthcare options. Share your health files with them for an online consultation. And find your path of healthcare options available; discuss what may be the best way forward for you. 

  • Own privately secured online health file
  • Engage with the NEFERHEALTH community resources
  • Book online consultations/classes and join forums

Are You Ready?...

to be a client

Already ...


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Might you be the right practitioner to be on this team
or do you know one who is?... 

NEFERHEALTH is an online community focused on great health outcomes where the practitioner and the client are a team.

Teamwork in healthcare requires a more open collaboration that engages the client and other practitioners in helping to achieve the agreed goals.

You as a practitioner of NEFRHEALTH bring a wealth of knowledge and experience that you share... with your peers and active clients or patients ready, willing and able to be participating in their own health journey.  All that you share is within the logged on section of NEFERHEALTH and remains as confidential notes within your consultation records secured on NEFERHEALTH for you and your clients. 

The best approach for certain issues that may involve a client's preferences and collaborative work with other healthcare professionals that they want to have in the team.  Join Forums of like-minded professional peers and informally discuss cases shared on NEFERHEALTH.  Privately and securely access your clients online for consultations with the inbuilt secured clinical records and appointment management of NEFERHEALTH.

The clients join NEFERHEALTH to be more self-determining and with your advice become more confident in staying the course for their best health outcomes. 


  • Have this community of active clients know your practice
  • Contribute to the knowledge that is the NEFERHEALTH community
  • Self-manage your roster/inbuilt PMS delivers online bookings

Are You Ready?...

to be a Practitioner

Already ...





'Nefer' meaning

Used in the Ancient Egyptian language to symbolize beauty and goodness - beautiful inside and out.

NeferHealth is all about you in the center of your own health journey.

With registration, you create your own healthcare file.

All online - your privacy is secured and safe for your health journey.

This is a path for a more self-determining 'you'.

We mean it, and we care about all of us

- abundant health inside and out -

that is our mission.

Online Resources

Healthcare Satisfaction for patient and providers

Access your health care from home, on your smart phone




      -A community care site

      -All processes managed online

      -Telehealth appointments

      -Online bookings

      -Online payments

      -Online client management

      -Remote Care appointments

      -Classes and peer support

      -Cloud-based system

      -WOS on local PC

      -PMS centrally managed

      -Compliant with privacy laws

      -A secure full software suite

      -Suitable for all specialities

      -Work as a team

      -Allied health and medical care



NEFERHEALTH is an online community of professionals working in collaboration with each individual for shared health goals and community 'projects'.

NEFERHEALTH is an online secured site where you gather information and the 'right' people to help achieve 'abundant' health for you and your loved ones. 

NEFERHEALTH is dedicated to supporting individuals and communities to achieve their health goals in collaboration with professionals and self-determination:

For more information,


Active Roster






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